Wednesday, July 11, 2012

david.russell assignment 1

1. What is Photoshop?
(A)  A program used to create and or alter images on the computer.
2. List 10 things that you can do with photoshop.
(A)alter photos, create 2d animations, do cool things with prospective, correct mistakes from a pencil or pen, combine pictures and text, make the impossible possible, create web pages, make a photo a wotk of art, design banners, restoring old and worn photos to full glory.

3. Professions that would use photoshop to complete their work.
(A)2d animation, photography, graphic design
4. Tool panel overview:

  • Name a type of selection tool- elptical marque tool
  • What does the move tool do and what is it's hot key?- move a selection, V
  • What is the hot key for the eyedropper tool and what does that tool do? select a color by clicking, I
  • What does the eraser tool do? erase
  • What tool creates straight, angled, or radial gradients, what is it's hot key?- gradient tool, G
  • When might you use the brush tool? to create painterly effects for pictures or art
  • What is the difference between vector and raster?
  • What is the difference between aliased and anti aliased? smooth, and jagged selection

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