Monday, July 30, 2012

Christopher Holmes, Assignment 04

What is your slogan?
 For my first ad I chose to do Spider-Man and so decided on the slogan "Be Amazing" as this is his tag line in the current movie. For the second Iron-man and from his tag line the slogan "Be Invincible" and for the third of the Hulk, "Be Incredible".

Who is your target audience?
With this ad campaign the audience is both comic fans as well as the general movie goer. These groups has a wide range of age groups (from kids, teens, as well as adults) and  would mean a much larger market for the product.

Which publications do you think the ad will be most successful running in?
These ads could go in many of the same places the movie ads would meaning general magazines, comic books, or even as posters in the theaters themselves that show the movies staring these characters.

Give the steps used in creating the ad using Photoshop? (How did you get your finished results?) 

I began by choosing the characters in signature poses than placed classic Adidas shoes on them and warped and re-sized to them to fit the character's pose.  After that I tinted or recolored them to match the character's color scheme. I then put a poster filter over the image for a grittier, old comic book look.  Finally I added slogan text and company logo.

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