Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shaquille Smith Assignment 01

1. What is Photoshop?
Its a graphic editing program.

2. List 10 things that you can do with photoshop.

3. Professions that would use photoshop to complete their work.
graphic design
2d animations

4. Tool panel overview:
  • Name a type of selection tool -lasso tool
  • What is the difference between vector and raster? -raster graphics are composed of pixels, while vector graphics are composed of path
  • What tool creates straight, angled, or radial gradients, what is it's hot key?- gradient tool, G
  • What does the move tool do and what is it's hot key? -moves a seletion, v
  • What is the hot key for the eyedropper tool and what does that tool do? i, copys a selected color
  • When might you use the brush tool? - to paint
  • What is the difference between aliased and anti aliased? - smooth or rough edges
  • What does the eraser tool do? -erases lines and paint done on photoshop

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