Sunday, July 29, 2012

malguti justin, assignment 04

This is my SONY Slide out TV ad

                                                             This is my SONY tablet ad
                                                          This is my SONY 3D speaker ad
What is your slogan?

The Future is Here

Who is your target audience?

18-28 year old

Which publications do you think the ad will be most successful running in? Magazines and commercials

Give the steps used in creating the ad using Photoshop? (How did you get your finished results?) 
For the speaker I found one picture of a speaker then cut out the actual speaker and duplicated the layer 3 times and manipulated them to the shape of a vase. Then took the brush made half circles then filtered them with chrome and smudged them. 

For the TV I Duplicated a layer and put them next to each other. And used the Background from the speaker ad.

For the Tablet I copied and paste multiple pictures on their own layers and manipulated them to fit together. And used the same background as the speaker.

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